
I’m Back!

…but I won’t be continuing the regular posts, as I’ve moved away from trying to get gold on every week’s featured exercise. I found that solving puzzles in three (often unfamiliar) programming languages each week started becoming more of a challenge than I liked, especially as I returned to studying.

I have still been solving exercises at a more casual pace, and coming across some interesting solutions as I go. In this post I’ll go through a collection of four solutions I wrote in less common languages, that I found particularly worthy of writing about.

Difference of Squares – WebAssembly

Difference of Squares is a reasonably simple task, which is just as well considering how little WebAssembly gives you to work with. Designed primarily as a compilation target for higher level languages, WebAssembly is an assembly-like language targeting a small stack machine. Unlike a real CPU running machine code, WebAssembly was designed to be a safe environment to run untrusted code in, in order to provide a lower level, higher performance alternative to JavaScript for software running in the browser.

WebAssembly has a further difference from the majority of real CPU instruction sets – it works mainly as a stack machine. Instead of a set of registers for storing temporary values during computation, it uses a stack of values, with each assembly instruction operating on the top values from the stack.

The Difference of Squares exercise requires three functions:

difference is simple, because you can just call the other two functions and subtract their results. As for the other two functions, there are two main ways they could be written:

This second solution is what I used to solve this exercise in WebAssembly (and most other languages I’ve used for this exercise).

First up, squareOfSum. The formula for the sum of integers up to n is n × (n + 1) / 2, so I translated that into WebAssembly, then squared the result. WebAssembly doesn’t have a way to duplicate the top value on the stack directly, so I saved the result to a local variable and fetched it again immediately after, resulting in two copies on the stack.

(func $squareOfSum (export "squareOfSum") (param $max i32) (result i32) (local $temp i32)
  local.get $max
  local.get $max
  i32.const 1
  i32.const 2

  local.tee $temp
	local.get $temp

sumOfSquares is very similar, but has a slightly longer formula (n × (n + 1) × (2n + 1) / 6). I find translating formulas to WebAssembly easier than to register architectures, because the presence of the stack removes any need to keep track of which register is used for which temporary value. The translation process is even quite easy to automate with the shunting yard algorithm.

(func $sumOfSquares (export "sumOfSquares") (param $max i32) (result i32)
  local.get $max
	local.get $max
	i32.const 1
	local.get $max
	i32.const 2
	i32.const 1
	i32.const 6

Finally we have difference. This function shows off the function call syntax in WebAssembly. I gave each of the previous functions a symbolic identifier (the names beginning with $), then referenced it in the call instruction. This actually just assembles into a numeric index – the index of the function within the module, but these identifiers serve the same purpose as labels in other assembly languages, providing a convenient human-readable way to reference part of the program.

(func (export "difference") (param $max i32) (result i32)
  local.get $max
  call $squareOfSum
  local.get $max
  call $sumOfSquares

Zebra Puzzle – Prolog

The Zebra Puzzle is a classic logic puzzle, over 60 years old by this point. It takes the form of a list of 15 facts/constraints about the inhabitants of five houses, and two final questions: “Which resident drinks water?”, and “Who owns the zebra?”. This puzzle is a good example of a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), and is used as a common test of algorithms for solving such problems.

Prolog is a declarative programming language centered around logical programming. Instead of exact steps for the computation of some result, Prolog programs consist of facts and rules, building a logical foundation for the system you want to represent, which can then be used to evaluate queries about this system. Among other things, Prolog is a powerful tool for CSP solving, like needed for the zebra puzzle.

To solve this exercise, I will need a way to represent a possible arrangement of people and houses. To do this, I’ll use a list where each term represents one house using a complex term like the following:

% House Color, Nationality, Pet, Drink, Cigarette Brand
house(red, english, dog, coffee, kools)

Some of the rules in the zebra puzzle refer to houses being “next to”, or “to the right of” other houses, so I created some rules to make that easier to express in Prolog:

next(X, Y, Houses) :- append([_, [X, Y], _], Houses).
next(X, Y, Houses) :- append([_, [Y, X], _], Houses).

ordnext(X, Y, Houses) :- append([_, [X, Y], _], Houses).

Here you can see the general structure of a rule in Prolog. :- means that the predicate on the left is true whenever the predicate on the right is true. The next rule works by checking if the Houses list includes the two house arguments in either order, while ordnext checks for the two houses in a specific order. Writing rules with Prolog predicates can sometimes feel like working backwards, as is the case with the append here - instead of trying to deconstruct the list and find a specific subsequence, I wrote the rules more like “If you can create the Houses list from this partially unknown sequence, the rule holds.”

The main logic of this solution lives in a rule for the predicate solves, which checks that a given list of houses satisfies all the constraints of the puzzle.

solves(Houses) :-
    length(Houses, 5),

    member(house(_, _, _, water, _), Houses),
    member(house(_, _, zebra, _, _), Houses),

    member(house(red, english, _, _, _), Houses),
    member(house(_, spanish, dog, _, _), Houses),
    member(house(green, _, _, coffee, _), Houses),
    member(house(_, ukranian, _, tea, _), Houses),
    ordnext(house(ivory, _, _, _, _), house(green, _, _, _, _), Houses),
    member(house(_, _, snails, _, old_gold), Houses),
    member(house(yellow, _, _, _, kools), Houses),
    nth1(3, Houses, house(_, _, _, milk, _)),
    nth1(1, Houses, house(_, norwegian, _, _, _)),
    next(house(_, _, _, _, chesterfields), house(_, _, fox, _, _), Houses),
    next(house(_, _, _, _, kools), house(_, _, horse, _, _), Houses),
    member(house(_, _, _, orange_juice, lucky_strike), Houses),
    member(house(_, japanese, _, _, parliaments), Houses),
    next(house(_, norwegian, _, _, _), house(blue, _, _, _, _), Houses).

First, solves requires that Houses is a list of 5 items. This is the first clue given in the puzzle, but also lists can be any length, so this check is required to prevent an infinite number of solutions. Next, it uses member to check that there is a solution to each question from the puzzle. Without these lines, if we query solves(X) there’s no way to know that water and zebra should be the final drink and pet respectively.

Finally, the 14 remaining clues are specified in Prolog. Most clues are written using member, which just checks that some house in the list satisfies the condition – there must be a red house with an Englishman, and a house with a Ukrainian tea drinker, for instance. Underscores indicate that a particular property doesn’t matter for a rule, and can have any value. There are also a few uses of next and ordnext to check that houses are adjacent as given in the clues. The other two clues use nth1 to check a house at a specific index meets the rules.

With this rule in place, querying solves(X) now produces a complete solution to the zebra puzzle, but we’re not quite done. The last step is to extract the answers to the two questions. For this, I just have each rule find the solution, then fetch the correct person from the result. Like everything else in Prolog, these are specified as true/false queries, but the query engine can take care of this and produce the matching input when asked zebra_owner(X) or water_drinker(X).

zebra_owner(Owner) :- solves(Houses), member(house(_, Owner, zebra, _, _), Houses).
water_drinker(Drinker) :- solves(Houses), member(house(_, Drinker, _, water, _), Houses).

Prolog is an interesting language to write in, since it focuses less on how the computer should compute results, and more on what to compute. This makes it great for this kind of logical computation work, because you can completely avoid the step of creating an algorithm that actually comes up with the solution, and instead just pass the work directly to an existing general-purpose algorithm.

D&D Character – Unison

Unison is a pretty new language which, among other things, introduces the idea of abilities, a new way to model side effects of computation. These abilities take the idea of separating pure functions (those without side-effects, that always return the same output for the same input) and impure functions (those that interact with the outside world), and extend it further to represent the effects of a function with more granularity, and with strong type checking.

This exercise doesn’t involve any particularly complex applications of effects, but does use them just enough to get a feel for how they work. The goal is to create a function that randomly generates attributes for a Dungeons & Dragons style character.

I start by implementing the modifier and ability functions that are used to calculate individual player attributes. modifier is a pure function, and doesn’t require any abilities, but ability will depend on random number generation, so specifies the Random ability.

dndCharacter.modifier : Nat -> Int
dndCharacter.modifier score =
  use Int /
  use Nat subtractToInt
  (subtractToInt score 10) / +2

-- ability is a keyword, so this has to be ability_
dndCharacter.ability_ : '{Random} Nat
dndCharacter.ability_ = do
  rolls = List.replicate 4 do Random.natIn 1 6
  min = List.foldLeft Nat.min 6 rolls
  Nat.sum rolls - min

The modifier code shows a few quirks of Unison:

The ability_ function uses the Random ability along with some functional list operations to simulate rolling four dice and keeping the three highest. Notably, List.replicate doesn’t just copy one value through the list, it performs a delayed computation multiple times and collects all the results. This means I can use it to generate multiple random numbers easily. ability_ itself is also a delayed computation, so it has a quote in its type signature, and the body is wrapped in a do block.

dndCharacter.character : '{Random} Character
dndCharacter.character = do
  use dndCharacter ability_ modifier
  use Int +
  constitution = !ability_
    (Optional.getOrElse 0 (Int.toNat (+10 + modifier constitution)))

This last piece of code just ties together the modifier and ability calculation code into a complete Character record (a type provided by the initial exercise code). There’s a bit of messy type conversion that I wasn’t sure how to avoid in the last line, where the character’s hitpoints are calculated, but more importantly, here we see how to evaluate delayed computations – the ! operator. Additionally, because ability_ uses Random, character has to use it too.

I think the idea of tracking computational effects precisely like this is really interesting, and it’s not the only thing Unison is trying to do. It also has a tool called the Unison Codebase Manager, which provides a new way to manage code on a semantic level, and is designed heavily around distributed computing. All in all, while it’s not a language I have much to do with right now, I’m excited to see where it goes!

Robot Simulator - Gleam

I’ll finish up this highlights post with a bit of functional programming in Gleam. I’ve featured Gleam in a couple of previous posts, and it’s been great seeing how much it has continued to grow since 1.0, both through some small but welcome additions to the language, and through many enhancements to the compiler and the official language server.

This exercise has students create a function to simulate a simple robot. The robot can keep track of its position and rotation, and can execute a series of instructions given as a string. The possible instructions are:

The exercise starts out with some predefined data structures for the robot, and its position and direction, so these are what I’m working with:

pub type Robot {
  Robot(direction: Direction, position: Position)

pub type Direction {

pub type Position {
  Position(x: Int, y: Int)

Next, I need to create functions that perform each of the three actions the robot can take – left, right, and advance:

fn left(robot: Robot) -> Robot {
  let new_direction = case robot.direction {
    North -> West
    East -> North
    South -> East
    West -> South
  Robot(new_direction, robot.position)

fn right(robot: Robot) -> Robot {
  let new_direction = case robot.direction {
    North -> East
    East -> South
    South -> West
    West -> North
  Robot(new_direction, robot.position)

fn advance(robot: Robot) -> Robot {
  let Position(x, y) = robot.position
  let #(dx, dy) = case robot.direction {
    North -> #(0, 1)
    East -> #(1, 0)
    South -> #(0, -1)
    West -> #(-1, 0)
  Robot(robot.direction, Position(x + dx, y + dy))

These are pretty much just made with pattern matching to produce a different result for each direction the robot can be facing. In the case of advance, the case is used to select a pair of numbers to be added to the current position, so that the robot moves correctly in each direction.

Finally, the main body of the solution lives in the move function, which uses the three previous functions to update the robot position according to each character in the string. Looping over the instruction string and tracking the current position is done with a fold, a powerful operation that I’ve previously written about for #48in24. I also used map to convert each character to the associated function ahead of time, so that the fold just applies a list of functions in order.

pub fn move(
  direction: Direction,
  position: Position,
  instructions: String,
) -> Robot {
    |> string.to_graphemes
    |> {
      case inst {
        "L" -> left
        "R" -> right
        "A" -> advance
        _ -> panic as "Unknown instruction"
    |> list.fold(
      create(direction, position),
      fn(robot, op) { op(robot) }

With that, Robot Simulator is solved! This exercise was mostly just repetitive work setting up the functions for each action, matching on the directions, but I think the final move function is still a nice example of Gleam’s pipe operator for functional programming.

Wrapping Up

That brings me to the end of this highlights post, I hope you enjoyed seeing some solutions in uncommon but interesting programming languages! I don’t have much of a plan as to when I’ll next write about #48in24, as I wrote at the beginning, I’m only solving 48in24 exercises casually when I feel like it, not holding myself to the weekly goal. If I do feature it again, it will most likely not be until after I finish my compiler series – go check that out if you haven’t!